By: Paul Oneid
As many of you know, on July 13th, I ruptured both my quad tendons and I've been non-weight bearing (yes, meaning wheelchair and bed ridden) for the last 5 weeks. I've been very open with my experience and my journey along the way and today was a massive win.
I was cleared for full weight bearing (even though I've been doing that for a week lol)
I was cleared to drive
I loaded through my quads for the first time
I have a plan for active rehab
I can now return to the gym
HUGE WINS across the board.
Why am I sharing that with you today? First off, you're my people and I wanted to share my wins with you. Second, because the one thing that this journey and my openness has showed me is that we inspire our people through EVERYTHING we do.
Every client and athlete we coach is on a journey to be the best version of themselves. That is a VERY challenging undertaking filled with hardships.
YOU are the guide for their journey, which means that your journey is the benchmark for which they aspire to follow.
By sharing my journey, the hardships, the wins and the setbacks, I have been inundated with messages of people whom I've inspired within their own challenges.
That is powerful to a degree it's challenging for me to put into words.
That is a PRIVILEGE. One you should not take lightly and a privilege you need to remember when you wake up EVERY SINGLE MORNING.
Whether you're hurt or not. Whether you're competing or not. You're the epitome of what your clients should be aspiring to be. If you're not, you're doing them a disservice.
So, look yourselves in the mirror and make your people proud.
That drives me so fucking much (pardon my french) ever day to show up, be my best and get back to doing the things I love.
I hope when you look yourself in the mirror you see an ideal that people should aspire to emulate. If you're not... well that's on you.
Keep Raising the Bar,
Paul Oneid MS, MS, CSCS
Ps. If you're interested in my 1on1 Mentorship, the Coaches Corner U PhD, I am holding 2 spots open for immediate enrollment.
Pps. Be sure to join the Coaches Corner U Education Collective now with $300OFF using code beefcake300 - Lifetime access to almost 200hrs of continuing education resources for $50.00.
ppps. Don't forget, we also have our newest NSCA and NASM accredited course Essentials of Online Coaching live now with Dr. Dave Osborn.
pppps... Subscribe to Coaches Corner University on YouTube where we will have more free content AND 2 weekly podcast episodes.
I think that's enough ps's lol
Coaches Corner PhD